Glenn Cordelli

State Representative
Carroll County District 7

Ossipee – Tuftonboro – Wolfeboro

Glenn Cordelli

State Representative
Carroll County District 7

Ossipee – Tuftonboro – Wolfeboro

Thank You, Voters

Thanks to everyone who came out to vote - what a great turnout across NH. And thank you for the huge show of support for my re-election. I will continue to work for responsible state government with emphasis on the pain you are already feeling from inflation. In other...

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Enough is Enough – My Full Response to Bobbi Boudman

Enough is enough of the misinformation, distortions and outright lies of Bobbi Boudman. Her recent letter attacking my record deserves some truth telling so here it goes. 1. HB 1649 is probably the bill that Ms. Boudman is misrepresenting in her letter. She claims I...

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Obscene Material in Schools

Back in February of 2024, I took to the House floor to give a speech in support of my legislation (HB 1419) that would have: 1. Amended current law so that k-12 education was no longer exempt from our obscenity laws 2. Defined what constitutes something being harmful...

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