Back in February of 2024, I took to the House floor to give a speech in support of my legislation (HB 1419) that would have:

1. Amended current law so that k-12 education was no longer exempt from our obscenity laws
2. Defined what constitutes something being harmful to minors
3. Put into law a minimum process for parents to appeal that materials were harmful and age inappropriate.
4. Added to statute civil penalties for a school for not complying with the complaint process or not complying with a judgement that the material should be moved or removed.

My speech went through the reasons for the legislation and I also attempted to read from just two books in NH schools: “Here and Queer” in the Hillsboro-Deering school and “Speak” in the Dover middle school.

The video of my speech and the attempts to silence me went viral with over 4 million views on X (formerly Twitter).

Watch the video and see what you think:

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