All New Hampshire students should get an education that meets their unique needs and learning styles. That includes working to improve public education as well as open doors to other education options for children who need them. Let me mention a few of my bills that have been signed into law. I have been a leader in the implementation of Education Freedom Accounts and other alternate education methods including home education. I sponsored nearly every current law that relates to student or teacher privacy protections, requiring schools to post the hotline number to report child abuse, bills regarding bullying, multiple bills regarding the requirement for background checks for school staff, other bills on school safety, emergency plans and coordination with law enforcement, multiple bills to support the expansion of career and technical education programs such as the Lakes Region Technology Center, special education legislation including parental rights in due process hearings and the establishment of an Office of Special Education Advocate. A recent major bill that was signed by the Governor was to give public schools greater flexibility to innovate and get waivers from burdensome administrative rules.


As former NH Governor Mel Thomson once said, “Low taxes are the result of low spending.” I have worked and will continue to work for low taxes and conservative state budgets. Our current budget has been proclaimed the most conservative and best budget ever. And where does NH rank in relation to other states?

NH Has Second Lowest Tax Burden in the US News Analysis Shows


As someone who was adopted from a NYC orphanage, this is an important issue for me. Abortion is banned at 24 weeks with exceptions for fatal fetal diagnoses and the life of the pregnant person under current state law. I supported that legislation but do not see it changing soon. I am, however, pro-life and a member of the House Pro-life Caucus. I believe in life from conception to natural death. Until we can change public opinion in NH, the abortion law will not change.

I testified this past year against the government supported suicide legislation which thankfully was defeated.


As former US Senator Rick Santorum once told me – the 2nd amendment is there to protect the 1st amendment. I agree completely and will continue to work is support of the right of citizens to legally bear arms.


As General John Stark said in 1809: “Live Free Or Die; Death Is Not The Worst Of Evils.” But this must not just be our state motto. This must be a fabric of life in NH for individual rights and liberty and a foundation for legislation.